Gambling Disorder – How to Overcome Your Gambling Addiction


The DSM has a checklist of criteria for diagnosing gambling disorders. This checklist was developed by mental health professionals to help them differentiate between people with and without gambling disorders. It is often used to diagnose psychological problems, such as alcoholism, gambling addiction, and depression. The DSM lists Gambling Disorder alongside other addictive behaviors. A person with Gambling Disorder has repeatedly attempted to control their gambling activities. Attempts at control of their gambling are usually unsuccessful.

Those with gambling addictions should make a concerted effort to strengthen their support system. They should reach out to family and friends to share their concerns. They can make new friends outside of the gambling scene. Other ways to support their loved one include enrolling in education classes, volunteering for charities, and joining peer support groups. Gamers can find help at Gamblers Anonymous, a 12-step recovery program modeled after Alcoholics Anonymous. Gamers are required to choose a sponsor who is an active former gambler. They can turn to their sponsor for support and guidance.

It is vital to recognize when a gambling problem is developing. While a person’s urge to gamble may be strong, it is important to realize that it can affect all areas of their lives. Gambling counsellors are free and confidential, and can help you overcome your gambling addiction. They are also available 24 hours a day. It’s worth a try – it might change your life forever! So, what can you do to overcome your gambling addiction?