Social Effects of Gambling


Although gambling has positive economic and social effects, few studies have examined the social costs of gambling. These costs include increased infrastructure costs and tourism, and affect both the individual and societal level. Public resources are also needed to protect the public from gambling harm. These costs are primarily borne by governments, and the Victorian Government spent $52 million in 2014-15 on gambling services.

However, there are some evidence that suggests that gambling can have positive effects, even for those who don’t gamble. The literature suggests that recreational gamblers reported better physical and psychological health than nongamblers. Moreover, research shows that gambling can improve self-concept and self-esteem among seniors. It can also help people from lower socioeconomic statuses, as the thrill of winning even small amounts can help them remain positive despite challenging life circumstances.

People with gambling problems may benefit from counselling. It can help them understand the nature of the problem and find ways to overcome it. The National Helpline for Gambling is available at 1-800-662-HELP (4357), and many states have gambling helplines. It is important to seek help as soon as you notice a gambling problem, and to think about the consequences of gambling before you spend money.

Gambling can also affect employment. Problem gambling interferes with work performance, contributes to absenteeism, and causes poor working relationships. In some cases, gambling may lead to termination of employment. Indeed, 40% of problem gamblers claim that their gambling negatively affects their jobs. Moreover, 61% of them report missing work as a result of gambling.