Problem Gambling


Gambling is any activity that involves placing an item of value at risk in order to gain something of greater value. This includes games of chance (such as bingo, roulette, poker, lotteries, and video gaming machines) as well as skill-based activities.

Problem gambling is an addictive disorder that causes a person to gamble excessively, negatively impacting other areas of their life. These include mental health, school or work performance, finances, and interpersonal relationships.

Often the first sign that someone is suffering from a problem with gambling is when they find themselves having thoughts about it, and they are losing control over their ability to stop. If you are experiencing these symptoms, it may be time to consider talking to a counselor about your concerns.

The most common forms of gambling involve the use of real money. However, in some cases, people may gamble with other items of value that have a perceived value. This can include items of value that are not considered money, such as collectible game pieces.

Some people who have a problem with gambling may be using gambling to escape from negative or stressful emotional states, such as anxiety, depression, and stress. This can cause them to have altered states of consciousness, or dissociation.

Some forms of gambling, such as online gambling, can be very addictive. There are many ways to help someone with a gambling problem, but the most important step is to recognize that they have a problem and take action to get help. Counseling services can provide information about the risks and consequences of problem gambling, as well as support for those who are struggling to stop.